Spirit Rising

Spirit Rising: Young Quaker Voices celebrates, critiques, questions, and reflects on the Quaker faith experience. Writing and visual art by teenage and young adult Quakers from around the world and across the theological and cultural spectrum of the Religious Society of Friends give readers a window on the spiritual riches and witness these Friends offer. The product of the two-year Quakers Uniting in Publishing (QUIP) Quaker Youth Book Project, it includes over 200 contributors from 17 countries who reflect on their faith and lives as Friends, on worship and practice, on Quaker testimonies, community, conversion and convincement, and on service to and in the world. They also challenge and inspire, as they witness to and celebrate Quakerism as it has been, as it is, and as it could yet be. The voices here come together in a symphony, cacophonous but also deeply resonant. Listen and you will hear the gifts not only of the Quaker leaders and ministers of tomorrow, but also those in our midst today. In them and with them the Spirit called here by many names is undeniably rising.
Edited by Angelina Conti, Cara Curtis, C. Wess Daniels, Harriet Hart, Sarah Katreen Hoggatt, Evelyn Jadin, John Epur Lomuria, Emma Condori Mamani, Katrina McQuail, and Rachel Anne Miller
“While reading Spirit Rising I felt my spirit rising. This delightful and challenging collection of writings is an excellent example of how the Inner Light breaks through into our souls no matter our age, station, or geographical location. These are powerful stories, poems, and essays spoken plainly yet eloquently by diverse young voices. They are a blessing and a reminder that God is at work in this world and that our little Society’s contributions in encouraging the life of the Spirit continue – borne on the words of a new generation of publishers of Truth.”
-J. Brent Bill, author of Sacred Compass and Holy Silence, USA