In His Eyes

There are times in our lives when the presence of only one person will satisfy the hunger in our souls, when only one can fill the void of deeper meaning. This search crying aloud in every heart is what draws us out to gaze heavenward in awe at the millions of stars shining above. The beauty of the stars reminds us of this One along with his great power and unfathomable glory. What we sometimes don’t realize, though, is God stands there with us, gazing not at the stars, but at our upturned faces with deep, passionate love in his eyes. This God who holds the moon in his hand uses the same hand to turn us to him so we can view his outpourings of grace for ourselves.
This miraculous and intimate relationship God wants to have with you is worshipfully explored in the poetry of In His Eyes, the continued story of Learning to Fly, crafted by the gifted and talented poet, Sarah Katreen Hoggatt. Within these pages you will hear the voice of God speaking into your heart what he has longed for you to hear, a story of transformation and delight in the wonderful person he created in you. As he holds you close, enjoy his presence, look up into the endless sea of stars, and lose yourself in the majestic love shining from his eyes.