Encountering the Holy

Christmas is one of the busiest times of year for our culture. There are so many things to do and places to be, spending time reflecting upon the miracle of Jesus is often pushed down the list of gifts to enjoy.
Encountering the Holy creates this holy space by bringing out special moments to reflect on and thoughts to ponder every day of the Advent season. With devotions on such topics as seeing God in nature, others, and ourselves, explorations of each fruit of the spirit such as love, joy, patience, and kindness, and time spent with the nativity story itself including the shepherds, the manger, and Simeon, Sarah Katreen Hoggatt, author of Learning to Fly, In His Eyes, and In the Wild Places, brings forth a fresh look at the Christmas season and through personal stories of her own, helps the reader see how their own story is given new light when they encounter the Holy One of Israel.