Every word of Sarah’s books draws you into a journey—sometimes into the depths of your own soul and at other times leading you to question the mysteries of life. Engaging and relatable, her conversational style invites you to explore your inner world with imagination and honesty, as you become captivated by the deeper meanings she unveils.
All books are also available as an eBook and all poetry books are available as both paperback and hardback books.

For those longing to know what it feels like to let go of worn-out boxes of belief and find life in the questions themselves, comes an evocative collection, When the Questions Come: A Poetic Exploration for When Certainty Fades. With each poem, Sarah Katreen Hoggatt weaves a tapestry of words that resonate with the soul, inviting readers to sit with their questions, embrace their uncertainties, and find beauty in the unknown.
Whether you seek solace during a time of transition or a companion while exploring the shadows, Sarah invites readers to embark on the journey of inquiry, reminding us how our true selves and divine breath lie within the questions themselves. Dive in to embrace the intimacy, grief, joy, and wonder that exist beyond certainty as you navigate the wilderness of seeking the unity that transcends our understanding.
Written for all who are searching for their authentic selves, When the Ink Runs Dry: A Poetic Retreat for the Soul, is a timeless haven for the human spirit, offering solace during hard times and an oasis for weary hearts. With themes of self-care, self-expression, and identity, these pages are a testament to the enduring power of poetry to heal, inspire, and uplift.
Created mostly on writing retreats at the Sylvia Beach Hotel, this book is for anyone on a quest to find their unique creativity and trust their inner voice. With wisdom and authenticity in poem after poem, Sarah speaks in ways that are incredibly private yet universally relatable, capturing a sense of place and self that invites all to discover and embrace who they truly are.
You’ve felt it—love so strong you ache with the fullness of it as if you’re trying to contain a power ten times your size and are unable to do so. Where does such powerful love come from? What is there beneath the surface we sometimes sense but rarely hold? Is there a greater reality around and within us, a uniting energy going far beyond our classical definition of ͞love͟?
Through walking the ancient symbol of the labyrinth, in Finding Love’s Way, we explore a wider world where God, ourselves, and love are inseparable one from another, where we see ourselves as beings of divine light, and that even with all the joy and loss we experience, we can never truly be separated from what binds us together: the truth of who we already are and the reality that love itself can be the journey.
We so often shut God in boxes of our own understanding and then get upset when He breaks out of them. For all of us who have longed to break out of those boxes, to recognize God in all of life’s diversity, and to see from a wider perspective, Sarah Katreen Hoggatt leads us on a wild journey. A testament of deep truth, her third and final installment in the poetry trilogy opens us to see something new of the Divine as she writes about honestly talking with God, the ways in which we shape one another, and the beauty of our bodies and the natural world in which we live. In words both powerful and poignant, Sarah asks the questions we would all like to raise and the answers she gives are as surprising as they are refreshing. With illustrations and poetry blending beautifully together, this book will captivate you in paradoxical truth and entice you to take another step closer to love, will teach you the beauty of letting go, and how to hold on to all that matters.
There are times in our lives when the presence of only one person will satisfy the hunger in our souls, when only one can fill the void of deeper meaning. This search crying aloud in every heart is what draws us out to gaze heavenward in awe at the millions of stars shining above. The beauty of the stars reminds us of this One along with his great power and unfathomable glory. What we sometimes don’t realize, though, is God stands there with us, gazing not at the stars, but at our upturned faces with deep, passionate love in his eyes. This God who holds the moon in his hand uses the same hand to turn us to him so we can view his outpourings of grace for ourselves.
This miraculous and intimate relationship God wants to have with you is worshipfully explored in the poetry of In His Eyes, the continued story of Learning to Fly, crafted by the gifted and talented poet, Sarah Katreen Hoggatt. Within these pages you will hear the voice of God speaking into your heart what he has longed for you to hear, a story of transformation and delight in the wonderful person he created in you. As he holds you close, enjoy his presence, look up into the endless sea of stars, and lose yourself in the majestic love shining from his eyes.Have you ever felt the longing inside of your heart to explore new heights of sky, to rise on lifted wings? Have you ever longed for more than what you know? In her first book of poetry written over eleven years, Sarah shares her gift as a writer by revealing a journey of learning to fly in a world full of challenges, tears, and immeasurable joy. Her honest and candid spirit gives the reader such a sense of deeper vision and intimacy with the Lord, that they are compelled to discover the flying lessons within themselves. As she shares her heart and growth of self, may you be lifted up on the dawn and shown the way to fly home, viewing wild vistas as you have never viewed them before.
Christmas is one of the busiest times of year for our culture. There are so many things to do and places to be, spending time reflecting upon the miracle of Jesus is often pushed down the list of gifts to enjoy.
Encountering the Holy creates this holy space by bringing out special moments to reflect on and thoughts to ponder every day of the Advent season. With devotions on such topics as seeing God in nature, others, and ourselves, explorations of each fruit of the spirit such as love, joy, patience, and kindness, and time spent with the nativity story itself including the shepherds, the manger, and Simeon, Sarah Katreen Hoggatt, author of Learning to Fly, In His Eyes, and In the Wild Places, brings forth a fresh look at the Christmas season and through personal stories of her own, helps the reader see how their own story is given new light when they encounter the Holy One of Israel.
Spirit Rising: Young Quaker Voices celebrates, critiques, questions, and reflects on the Quaker faith experience. Writing and visual art by teenage and young adult Quakers from around the world and across the theological and cultural spectrum of the Religious Society of Friends give readers a window on the spiritual riches and witness these Friends offer. The product of the two-year Quakers Uniting in Publishing (QUIP) Quaker Youth Book Project, it includes over 200 contributors from 17 countries who reflect on their faith and lives as Friends, on worship and practice, on Quaker testimonies, community, conversion and convincement, and on service to and in the world. They also challenge and inspire, as they witness to and celebrate Quakerism as it has been, as it is, and as it could yet be. The voices here come together in a symphony, cacophonous but also deeply resonant. Listen and you will hear the gifts not only of the Quaker leaders and ministers of tomorrow, but also those in our midst today. In them and with them the Spirit called here by many names is undeniably rising.