
The Question Underneath

The truth is that my life was turned upside down for the last few years and especially in the last year and a half. Things changed one after another and I was so busy in that span of time that my soul dried up and I became a desert.  In that span of time, I’ve experienced:

hanging hearts made from wood

Too Dark in the Closet

As my friends and family have a wide variety of opinions and beliefs, I knew there would be some people happier about my relationship than others. Some surprised me with just how supportive and happy they were, others surprised me with how horrible they thought it all was.

Colorful umbrellas

Why Do We Tear Ourselves Apart?

It’s incredibly painful to have someone tell you there is no way you can be who you are and love God at the same time. It’s hurtful to be told the gifts and passions driving your life were never meant to be expressed. We are one body, one with God.

Colored Crayons

I’m Everybody Friendly

How can so many people write off such a huge segment of our humanity because of a label? This can be applied to race or gender or any number of characteristics, but none of the labels can ever begin to describe the soul, that eternal light and energy that is so breathtakingly beautiful to behold.

What is This Book About?

When I started writing this book, Finding Love’s Way,  I did it without knowing where I was going. I wrote about whatever caught my attention or the words and thoughts I needed to get out. I let myself go without concerning myself about where it would end up. It’s much like starting a journey without …

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The Wolf Howl of God

The river was quiet and the night cool. From my vantage point standing in the back of the boat, I peered through the darkness trying to spot any trees or rocks poking above the surface — clues there was far more hazardous material lurking underneath needing to be avoided. During a night practice, it is not an easy task. Though the lights of the city illuminate the slough to some degree, it’s not enough to make the dangers obvious.

I Drove…

Today I had a forty-five minute lunch. After warming up the dish I brought, I decided I would rather eat in my car than in that staff room. So I got in my car, turned on the ignition and headed for the freeway. I drove. I just drove. I needed to be away from, well, …

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Five Minutes a Day

I was listening to the radio while driving the other day when the announcer talked about a new Bible for “busy moms” claiming that with all the multitasking moms do, this Bible would help them take five minutes for God. Five minutes? That is all God gets out of a day? In fraction form, that …

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Train Conductor God

As I write this, I’m sitting at the bar facing the windows of my favorite coffee shop. I love the open feel of the place, the light streaming in from the street, the white and wood detail with the little cream colored lights trailing around the banister of the upper level of tables. It’s a …

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