Stars Above the Blue

This afternoon at work I was looking fondly out the window at the deep blue sky I have been missing this winter. It was a perfect day for a nap in the park, or it would have been if I could have done that. I love the clouds, the rain, and the stormy nights, but as months go by and I weary of the winter weather , I start telling myself that above those clouds there is always pure blue sky. That usually cheers me a bit to know that whatever is going on in my life, there is always hope and beauty above it all. Within my view, was also a very large evergreen tree and I spent some time wondering about it. (Work wasn’t very busy.) We get some pretty windy weather at times and a lot of rain that makes the ground soft. So my question was, “How big is the root system for that tree that it would ground itself so firmly into the earth that no storm has toppled it down?” Then I realized that tree was a lot like reality in general. More and more, I wonder about the difference between what we see and what is really there. There is a voice inside me that tells me there is far more to this world than what I alone perceive. There is more to this world than what my eyes tell me. Are there angels? Are there demons? What does God’s light look like if I could see it coming from everything and everyone around me? I can only see the top of the reality tree, what does the root system look like? What is there in the deep places that keeps us grounded and steady through the storm? There may be blue sky above the clouds, but I am now convinced there are stars above the blue sky that I can only imagine when I look at life. What’s out there? Down here? I wonder.

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