Honesty and my iPod

By the way, I am LOVING my iPod. It’s fantastic and I even figured out how to use it. My roommate is still mad at me for getting one. Though, I should tell you she was a little better when I told her I would share. I brought it with me to work, yes, that’s allowed, and listened to it all day. One of my favorite songs that came up was one my friend Alivia Biko sings. She is a great singer and guitarist. My favorite of her two cd’s is filled with original music. As I recall she wrote some and other people wrote others. Either way, they’re beautiful and one I listened to a few times was “Ask Me Anything”. I don’t know what the inspiration for the song is but it intrigues me. One of the repeating lines is, “Ask me anything, I’ll be honest with you. We talked into morning and once again, I discover, I like spending time with you.” As a writer, I know what I write means one thing to me and can mean something completely different to someone else. This song speaks of friendship to me, of real relationships, of love from one friend to another. I think we all long for that connection of honesty with another soul. Listening to these words today reminded me of a talk I had with my pastor, Peggy, when we hadn’t known each other for very long and she said those words to me almost verbatim, “Ask me anything, I’ll be honest with you.” Honestly, I was a bit frightened during that conversation and intrigued at the same time. Her honesty didn’t frighten me, mine did. It was scary for me to trust her and be real. There is still that piece inside of me that just wants to protect herself from rejection. And although I’m getting more comfortable with that every day, it can still be a battle. I’m glad there are artists like Alivia to show us how beautiful life can be. If you are interested in her music, go to: http://www.aliviabiko.com/

(I’ll add that Alivia’s CD has become a favorite at our house, particularly when we’re cleaning. If we’re cleaning house, you can bet Alivia’s voice is singing. It’s just become a fun tradition.)

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