
Tonight as I type I have a orchestration song from Titanic going in the background. Years ago I used it as the music to a power point for my Images of God class so it carries with it the emotional weight I put into that project. It’s very soothing.

I talked with Stacey this afternoon about my future in tap. For months I have been wrestling with the decision to continue or not. I attended the easier class today after spending all morning either loading her website pictures or reading submissions for the Quaker Youth Book Project. Looking at those photos and videos made me remember how much I have loved dancing with On Tap. But I’m tired, my attention has shifted, and change is in the air. I told Stacey I was going to stop with the Irish dancing and would continue with tap up to the recital and commit to two dances. After that, I was taking a break. Being Stacey, and being me, she talked me into adding the shim-shams, and to continue on with the soft-shoe pieces with the Irish up until the recital. In her defense, there was no arm twisting, but a finger may have been involved. I also told her I would dance in the art fair and World Beat shows. But I do feel better after having talked with her about it. She is one of the last people I would ever want to hurt or disappoint. No matter what happens after that, for either of us, we will always be good friends and still maintain that friendship. Out of these four years of dancing with On Tap, that is by far, the greatest gift I’m coming away with. Still, I didn’t expect it to hurt this much.

365-09 #87

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